Thanksgiving Preparations

As I was preparing for our Thanksgiving meal, I thought, “You know, I should write this down somewhere.”  I make the pretty much the same thing every year.  Every year I have to find the recipes and make a to do list.  So, I decided to put it all online so I wouldn’t have to wonder where it was next year.

Our Thanksgiving Dinner

The Menu:

Tony Chachere’s Creole Butter Turkey
Meme’s Cornbread Dressing
Grandmother’s Yeast Rolls
James’ Green Bean Casserole — The recipe that comes on the package
Janet’s Sweet Potato Casserole
Timothy’s favorite Mashed Potatoes
Diana’s Cranberry Cream Cheese Salad
Suzy’s Shoepeg Corn Salad
Mema/Andrew’s Chocolate Pie
Apple Pie
Pumpkin Pie
Pecan Pie
Mema’s Pie Crust
Iced Tea

The Plan:

Monday — Go grocery shopping

Tuesday — Start thawing turkey

Wednesday — Start cooking

Homemade crust — Make a double recipe.
Cook 2 pie crust shells for chocolate pie.
Prepare 1 for pecan pie.
Prepare 1 for pumpkin pie.
Prepare bottom and top crust for Apple pie.
Save any scraps for the kids to make crust cookies (just for fun).

Apple Pie — Assemble and Bake.
Cornbread Dressing — Bake Cornbread and Refrigerator biscuits.
Bake Sweet Potatoes for Sweet Potato Casserole.
Make Cranberry Cream Cheese Salad.
Assemble Shoepeg Corn Salad — Don’t add Fritos until ready to serve.
Make Chocolate Pies — let cook, then refrigerate overnight.

Crust Cookies — Let the kids roll out left over crust to make cookies sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon.  These, of course, should be eaten right out of the oven.

Thursday AM

Cook Turkey — Insert Creole Butter seasonings with syringe.  Cook as directed on package.  Start turkey early enough so it will be ready about an hour before meal time.
Assemble Dressing — Using cornbread and biscuits from the day before, assemble dressing.                     Refrigerate until about an 1 1/2 hour before meal time.
Start Yeast Rolls about 3 hours before meal time.

Thursday afternoon

Peel and cook potatoes for mashed potatoes
Assemble Sweet Potato Casserole and cook.  If using marshmallows (instead of brown sugar topping, put them on at the very last.
assemble Green Bean Casserole and cook following directions on package.

Thursday — 30 minutes Eating:

Bake Rolls
Carve Turkey
Set the Table
Get Drinks ready

Thursday After Meal:
Clear the Table
Put up leftovers
Serve Dessert

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