1. si344

    your blog looks so interesting! So much information! I hope I can find some time to sit and read everything. but now my 3 year old is telling me he wants me to come to school. gotta run! will come back soon! God willing!

  2. Crystal

    I am so pleased to hear someone else say it. I am constantly concerned about whether or not I will fail my children concerning who and what God wants them to be. I do my best to teach them, but I have already told them many times that the reason others do not follow God’s will the way they are supposed to is because they do not read the Bible with an open heart themselves. My children also know that their daddy and I are not perfect. When I make a mistake, I try to swallow my pride(and yes, sometimes this is a little difficult), and I say I’m sorry to my kids. My children are still young(all four under 11), and I pray constantly that God will give me the right words to teach them. One area I lack in is teaching others(besides my family) about God, but I do find it easy enough to tell others to read the Bible with an open heart so that they will understand it the way God wants them to. So many people are lost simply because they do not read God’s Word. I think that is very sad. I too have spent much thought on why some kids just don’t seem to have the relationship with God that they should when they come from a family you would consider a good Christian family. I have to believe that something was not taught correctly. God says to teach them in the way they should go when they are young and they will not depart from it when they are older. I know that kids are human and will grow into adults that are human and imperfect. Therefore they will make mistakes, but if they are taught correctly, they will not lose their faith in God and their relationship with him. I only pray that I teach my children in the way that God would have me to, so that I do not lose even one of them to the devil and we will have eternity together in Heaven. Thanks so much for your blog!

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