Is My Schedule Too Tight?

We run on a pretty tight schedule around here.  I don't necessarily mean with the academics, but with every day life.  There is so much to do, and not much time to do it in.  If we vary from the norm, it knocks me all out of whack.


For instance:

I've been needing to visit my parents.  This week they moved from a distance of 2 hours away to a distance of about 14 hours away.  Don't ask me why, they just felt the need.  Anyway, I needed to go see them before they left. 


We went Monday.  The trip was great.  It was a beautiful day.  We had a great visit.  All was lovely.  But, I knew when I got back that everything that I have to do on Monday did not get done. 


The main problem was grocery shopping.  We grocery shop on Monday.  There is no other day to do it.  So, it didn't get done.  My husband very nicely offered to go for me on Tuesday during my private music lessons.  That was great, but it wasn't the same.  We've been scrounging around here all week.  I can't wait until Monday so I can go to the grocery store.

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