A Beautiful Day

Today was really beautiful.  We spent another great morning playing soccer. Then, there was nothing to do.  I literally didn't know what to do.  That worries me.  If  I have free time, I obviously have forgotten something that I should be doing. 


After messing with my website a little, the kids hanging around me enwith nothing to do, I figured it out.  This is the time I've been watching baseball games for the past two months.  Baseball season is over, and I failed to schedule anything in its place.


So how did I use this gift of time?  Did I declutter my closet, finish my laundry, or clean the kitch? No. I laid down on the couch and watched a movie with the boys.  Then we got our Halloween stuff out and decorated a little, tried on costumes and discussed having a party next weekend. 


It has been a relaxing a day.  I just finished cutting their hair (that's 6 haircuts) and now everyone is glued to the TV watching the Astros.  I think I'll join them.


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